VR for FEC's

Why VR Needs to Be Your Next Attraction

I stood there half wondering if the whole thing was real. What a rush of excitement and intrigue the past eight hours had been. I could almost hear my feet screaming at me to sit down, but couldn't help from finding interest in so many incredible attractions. After spending just one day at IAPPA, I realized the options were endless. How can anyone sort through all the products and noise to hone in on something that will really bring added value to their venue?

I stood there half wondering if the whole thing was real. What a rush of excitement and intrigue the past eight hours had been. I could almost hear my feet screaming at me to sit down, but couldn't help from finding interest in so many incredible attractions. After spending just one day at IAPPA, I realized the options were endless. How can anyone sort through all the products and noise to hone in on something that will really bring added value to their venue?

On one hand you want to make smart and logical decision but on the other, it is the emotion and excitement of the attraction that often pulls the trigger. You can imagine the kids faces as they have the time of their lives and it reminds you that under all the finances, drama, and politics, you built your facility to entertain. Maybe it goes all the way back to an experience you had when you were a child yourself and this new attraction gives you a bit of that old familiar feeling. Regardless of which microcosm in your brain pointed you in your current direction, you are now in the business of owning a profitable venture.

The exciting news is that you can still have that inspiring feeling and make great money if you find the right product. I have traveled all over the country interacting with facilities, customers, and Virtual Reality. In all my travels, I have rarely encountered a person that doesn't come out of the VR headset with a huge smile on their face. It seems that with all the contention and division in the world right now, almost everyone can agree that Virtual Reality is a fun and exciting experience.

If the smiles don't tell the story, the return rate most certainly will. From January to April of 2018, our little store in Utah saw 39% of our total traffic come from returning customers! We have even seen months as high as 60%! On top of just coming back, most people will bring back a friend or two to play with them.

For the past several years, we have taken Virtual Reality up to a haunted house. We put 4 bays in and charge directly for a virtual terrifying horror experience. It's nothing fancy, just some VR in a pitch black room where you have to go through the experience ALONE. In the first year we setup, we outperformed all other secondary attractions that the haunt offered by over 2x. It was a short season but people loved it.

VR can give your center a replay-ability like no other game or attraction. We currently offer our partners over 130 titles and new ones are released each week. From shooting zombies to exploring the word in incredible new ways, VR has something for everyone. We have seen facilities ROI in a matter of months- after all where there is fun and excitement, there is money.

So before you go buying that new arcade game or laser tag system, check out VR. The only thing you have to risk is that you may become addicted!

Check out more about Virtual Reality at www.privatelabelvr.net or you can contact me directly at contact@privatelabelvr.net.  Let me know if you have any questions or would like to further discuss the amazing points of Virtual Reality in the entertainment industry.

A mix of realities as a video game character entering this world while a player looks on in a virtual reality headset
Reality meets the Virtual World as player's imagination is allowed to run wild