VR for Trampoline Parks

Maximizing Revenue with a VR Attraction

Virtual Reality systems for commercial use can be a very attractive investment, especially when executed well. We highlighted a trampoline park below that installed one of our systems within the past 6 months and is pacing at a 3X ROI within the first year.

Virtual Reality systems for commercial use can be a very attractive investment, especially when executed well. We highlighted a trampoline park below that installed one of our systems within the past 6 months and is pacing at a 3X ROI within the first year.


Company Profile:

 - Trampoline Park on the East Coast

 - Primary Goal - create incremental revenue stream for current foot traffic

 - Secondary Goal - add another featured attraction to drive return rate up

The Solution:

 - Installed a 4-booth inline VR attraction

 - Gaming library was catered to their demographic 

 - Custom branded design with their logo, their look & feel

Performance to Date:

 - Over 14,500 minutes played on a monthly basis

 - Pacing to hit over a 3X ROI in first year alone

 - May need to expand already given demand

Success Takeaways:

 - Pricing: their pricing is bundled as a simple up-sell to their park entry. Pay the entry fee and add $5-$10 for 10-15 minutes of VR play

 - Up-sell & Promotion:  cross sell with other attractions to drive use & improve your average ticket per customer

 - Staff Training:  staff is very well-trained to offer the up-sell at every point of purchase in an informative, exciting, but non-pushy way.


We love our partnerships and enjoy seeing the successes they have with our systems and their business overall. This is what drives us to offer the best value within Virtual Reality with our customized solutions. To find out more about what we offer, please reach out via our site by clicking below or replying to this email.